Seventh to Twelfth Graders
First Baptist Church of Rome is a great place for students. Our student ministry has many opportunities for youth, 7-12th grade to become involved in our community as well as deepen their own discipleship and relationship with God. Our vision for ministry is best shared through our church’s mission statement, seeking His heart, being His hands.
We seek Christ’s heart in many ways. We seek His heart through retreats. Each summer, usually in July, we attend a youth camp, Passport that deepens our students’ faith and offers them an opportunity to get away, grow their own faith, and grow together as a group. We also have a fall retreat, winter retreat, and attend March Mission Madness each year. Our retreats are a good way to continually ground our group, offer them times to get away and recharge, as well as deepen individual faith walks.
We seek Christ’s heart through regular programming. We seek Christ’s heart each Wednesday night, during Wednesday’s Connection, a youth oriented worship service in our Youth Room. We sing, play games, and think about how our life as Christians is relevant today, through the use of modern media. We also offer small groups, which are on Sunday nights at 6:15. These groups are broken up by age and offer small group interaction on a deeper level.
We seek to be Christ’s hands as well. Our ministry goes on mission often. Each summer our students participate in an In Town Mission Week. While most kids are off at the beach or on a family vacation, our students are being the hands and feet of Christ in more needy areas of Rome and Floyd County.
Youth Ministry at First Baptist Church is a place where students can find fellowship, transparent relationships, bible study, and fun. As your child grows into young men and women, we hope you will find a home at First Baptist Church and in youth ministry. We would love to walk along side you as we all seek His heart, and be His hands in our world.

Weekly Grind
9:45 am – Bible Study
11:00 am – Worship
5:00 to 7:00 pm – Student Small Group (resume in fall)
6:00 to 7:15 pm – Student Life / Student Discipleship (resume in fall)
Summer Calendar
Online Devotions
Fall Retreat
Each fall we go off for a weekend away. Sometimes we camp in the mountains of NW Georgia. Sometimes we travel to SIFAT to learn more about hunger in the world. No matter where we are, we have a blast! Registration usually begins late August and closes out in early October.
Winter Retreat
Each winter we have either gone skiing or to the beach! Two very different places but both well worth it. This is a 4 or 5 day trip where we concentrate on getting to know one another. We encourage our students to include friends and visitors on this trip. Registration usually begins mid October and closes out in mid December. To register for this event, download the Winter Retreat registration form, print it, and turn the registration form and payment into John or the church office.
March Mission Madness
Each spring we attend March Mission Madness. MMM is an event sponsored by the CBF of Georgia and calls together hundreds of students and dozens of churches from across Georgia for worship and work. Each year MMM is sponsored at a different location. We go to that town and help out in many ways, whether it’s fixing a house or painting a building or cleaning up a park so that children can have a safe place to play! It is a great experience working next to new friends and helping out a community.

Passport Youth Camps
Each summer we attend Passport Youth Camps. Whether we are in New Orleans continuing the Katrina clean up, in Washington D.C. serving in the Northeast, or in Wingate, NC helping a local community and learning about worship, service, and missions… we love PASSPORT! Registration usually begins early March and closes out in late April. If you want to know more about Passport Youth Camps, click here.
Lock-ins are a favorite part of our ministry. Each Spring we have a lock-in for all youth. At the beginning of each summer, we have a lock-in especially for our rising 7th Graders and invite all the middle schoolers. We use this chance to have a FUN orientation with our newcomers and ease them into the ministry. Look out for your chance to join us at our next lock-in!
Fifth and Sixth Graders
Connecting with others through relationships at church is vitally important to the faith development of fifth and sixth graders. Our Preteens learn a lot about the love of God, a lot about themselves, and a lot about what it means to BE church together. Preteens have opportunities to lead in worship several times through out the year.

Weekly Schedule
Sunday Morning Bible Study (9:45-10:45 am)Creative teaching and fellowship activities are planned with the Preteen in mind.
Tuesday Morning Devotions (7:00-7:30 am during the school year)We gather at Chick-Fil-A for a dutch treat breakfast during the school year to discuss relevant topics and share a devotional. We try to arrange car pools to school if needed.
Graded Choirs (5:45-6:30 pm) Preteens sing in the Children’s Choir. For more information click here. (6:30-7:15 pm) Preteens have their own mission education group. They learn about missions in the US and around the world using various approaches and learn to pray for those involved in mission. They are also encouraged to serve in mission opportunities such as Hands of Christ Day.
Special Activities
Over the summer, there will be opportunities for the preteens to go on excursions and participate in other fun activities, such as the church wide pool party and preteen lunches!
How Can I Help?
Consider teaching Preteens in one of their programs. Consider being a substitute teacher when a regular teacher needs help. Provide hospitality for Preteen activitiesVolunteer to be a driver for Preteen activities.
Security Policies
First Baptist Church is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for children and youth. Procedures are established for screening both compensated and volunteer workers and teachers of all child and youth activities. Supervision standards are established for those who work and teach children and youth.