
The Blueprint
The Children’s Ministry is guided by The Blueprint: Foundational Building Blocks of Faith Development.
Sunday Morning Bible Study, 9:45-10:45 am
We have an age-graded children’s Sunday School program for children of all ages. We offer Children’s Worship for ages 4 through second grade.
Chick-Fil-A Devotions, 7:00-7:30 am — during the school year
We meet together to share scripture and a devotion that is relevant to children’s lives. We pray for one another and then go to school. We try to arrange for carpools to school if needed.
Graded Choirs, 5:45-6:30 pm
Learn More., 6:30-7:15 pm
Our boys and girls learn about mission work in our state, our nation and our world.
Summer Activities
Camp Blueprint VBS
First Baptist Vacation Bible School is a yearly event! Children learn about Bible characters and have a great time of doing arts and crafts, music, and fun and fellowship in recreation.
Pool Party
A summer tradition for the entire family! We swim, have supper, and fellowship. We invite the entire church to join us one Sunday afternoon in late July!
PassportKids Camp
Children who have finished 3rd grade through 6th grades are invited. PassportKids Camp is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about being the hands of Christ. Campers interact with other children from other churches throughout the southeast, making new friends, participating in worship, and finding out more about other cultures and other peoples.

First Baptist Church is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for children and youth. Procedures are established for screening both compensated and volunteer workers and teachers of all child and youth activities. Supervision standards are established for those who work and teach children and youth. A security system is in place for all our buildings. Cameras are active at all times.

Special Events
Parent Child Dedications
Each family with a young child is given the opportunity to dedicate themselves and their child to the Lord. These very special services are held during the morning worship service and are planned with the family. The church makes promises and the parents respond with promises of their own. Parents choose a “Life Verse” for the child which will be used many times during their growing years at the church.
Life Verse
Parents choose a life verse for each child as a part of our Parent-Child Dedication service. As they grow, children are encouraged to learn their life verse with help from parents and teachers. We seek to nurture children to apply their lives to the verse in relevant ways as they grow in their faith journey.
First Grade Bible Presentations
As each child promotes into First Grade, the church presents them with a Bible. We take very seriously the study of God’s word and it is easier for their teachers when they all have the same Bible.
How Can I Help?
Welcome Center: Volunteer to be a greeter in the Children’s area
Teachers for all programs: Let the Children’s Minister know if you would be interested and willing to share your gifts with our children in one of our regular programs.
Substitute Teachers: We provide regular teachers with a list of substitute teachers in case of illness and vacations.
Children’s Worship Assistants: Each Sunday during Children’s Worship we need one or two helpers for security reasons.
If you would be willing to fill any of these positions or want to ask for additional information, please e-mail