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Welcome, Guests!
Thanks for taking the time to visit our website. We hope you have found the information you are looking for. Some of the most helpful places to get to know us better are: individual ministry pages, video of our worship, and helpful documents. Visit our photo gallery for a glimpse into the heart and life of First Baptist.
After looking at these pages, if you have questions about our ministries or programs, feel free to email any of your questions to one of our staff members by visiting our staff page and clicking on the name of the minister you want to contact. We will do everything we can to help you. We hope we will have the chance to meet you personally.
Need More Information?
Please contact us if you would like to receive more information.
Worshiping at FBC Rome
Our sanctuary is located at 100 East Fourth Avenue in Rome. We have a single service each Sunday morning which begins at 11:00 a.m.
Comcast subscribers in Floyd County may join us live at 11:00 a.m. each Sunday on Comcast Channel 44. This is an easy way to get acquainted with us.
All worship services and special concePrts are recorded. An archive of recent worship service recordings may be viewed online here.
What to Expect in Worship
Our Sunday worship bulletin is posted to this site each week. You may download it here.
Preview what you can expect when you join us in person.
How we recognize guests.
There is a time in our worship service when we will welcome guests. We do not, however, ask anyone to stand, raise a hand, or do anything which draws attention to them. We would like to know you were here, however. In the order of worship, you will find a card entitled “First Guest.” We hope you will trust us with your information by filling out the card and placing it in the offering plate or handing it to a minister as you leave.
Children’s Worship.
Children ages four years old through second grade are invited to Children’s Worship. Children discuss elements of worship and have a time of prayer, music and a Bible story. Families may pick up children participating in Children’s Worship on the second floor of the Education Building after worship.