Mission Overview
Mission Philosophy
Jesus calls us to love one another. (John 13:34)
Recognizing that we need each other, we fulfill that call with service that leads toward the mutual transformation of lives and communities. Serving as the Hands of Christ means that we are always learning, looking for God’s presence at work, and willing to go wherever God leads.
How will you serve as His hands?
Local Missions
We seek to bring Jesus Christ to people locally through our financial support of Good Neighbors Ministry, the William S. Davies Shelter, Habitat for Humanity, Rome Action Ministry, Transitional Housing program, the Community Soup Kitchen and the Meals and More Ministry. Many of our members are key volunteers in these ministries. Our mission is to be the hands of Christ to the least, the last, the lost and the overlooked.
Regional Missions
We seek to bring Jesus Christ to people regionally through our involvement in Georgia Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Morningstar Treatment Services and the Baptist General Association of Virginia. Coming soon is our Tendercare Disaster Relief ministry that allows the church to provide on-site ministry to the children of families involved in natural disasters.
Global Missions
We seek to bring Jesus Christ to people through partnerships with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Virginia Baptist Missions Board. In addition, the church sponsors a number of children through World Vision. An important priority of our missions’ vision is ministering to children and to the hungry.
Extended Family
We seek to bring Jesus Christ to our local extended family through and extensive visitation network comprise both of the laity and ministers. First Baptist makes it a priority to visit those who can no longer attend church.