Prayer Concerns


Atrium Floyd

Advent Redmond



Sympathy to:

Connie Deville and family in the death of her mother, Lucy Dauzat, on August 30 in Pineville, Louisiana.

Sarah Beth and Michael Gee and family in the death of their mother, Haley Brackett, on August 28 in Dalton, GA.

Mac Eubanks and family in the death of his wife, Nancy Eubanks, on August 27.

Sara Barton and family in the death of her brother, T.L. Coleman, on August 4 in South Carolina.



Congratulations to

Harley and Anna Grace Yancey on the birth of a son, Cooper James Yancey, on August 26. Grandparents are Molly & Dee Yancey. Great grandparents are Clara Ann Mattingly and Delos and Tricia Yancey.

Caroline Brooks and Grant Crosby on their marriage August 17. Caroline is the daughter of David and Laurie Brooks.

Grant Muller and Christine Hsu who were married August 8 in Austin, TX. Grant is the son of Rick and Beth Muller.




























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