
Adult Ministry
First Baptist Church is fortunate to include adults of all ages. A balance of younger and older adults continuously energizes and enriches the congregation with creativity and energy. Opportunities for Bible study, enrichment, and fellowship invite individuals and groups to seek the heart of Christ. For information on adult ministries contact Tamara Smathers. For information on Senior Adult activities contact Keith Reeves.
Bible Study - Learn, Grow, Discover
Bible Study at the First Baptist Church of Rome draws Adults together in various stages of life, unified by the desire to seek the heart of Christ through the study of Scripture, prayer, and fellowship. Preschoolers, children and youth meet with leaders who are prepared to meet their specific needs. Use this guide as a way to find YOUR place in Bible Study.
Journey Class
A gathering of (mostly) young (mostly) professionals with school-age children. The class is shepherded by member-leaders who present each week’s Scripture passage with historical and theological background, followed by lively discussions on its relevance and application in our daily lives. Teachers/leaders are: Jim Poyner, Robert Hortman, Jordan Rowan Fannin, Jeremy Salter, and Ryan Weldon. Meets Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room 304 on the 3rd Floor of the Education Building.
Builders Class
A co-ed class who enjoy being together, supporting each other, and learning how the Bible applies to their lives in the 21st century. Meets Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room 302 on the 3rd Floor of the Education Building with Coleman Fannin and Stephanie Lewis as teachers.
YAGO (Young Adults Getting Older)
This co-ed class has met together since many were young adults and they always enjoy adding to their community. They appreciate spirited discussions about Scripture and life. John McClellan, Vicki Gee, Jana Weidemann and Roger Goss rotate in teaching and facilitating discussions. They meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room 303 on the 3rd Floor of the Education Building.
Dean's List Class
A caring fellowship of Believers that gathers to study of the Bible and seeks to understand the Scriptures historically, and also their meaning for our lives today. Varying viewpoints are respected with open and honest discussion and the sharing of life experiences. Prayer for each other is central to the care this class offers as they seek to follow Jesus. Dr. Joe Baskin and Anne Vaughn teach this co-ed class Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Community Room, located on the Ground Floor.
Conundrum Class
This adult Bible study is what its name implies—a place to wrestle with the difficult questions of faith. Led by Brian Inman and Bill Davies, this group meets Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Dining Room located on the Ground Floor. Although many (maybe most) of the co-ed group have retired, all ages are welcome.
Coffee & Conversation
Seeks to provide a place for young adults (35 and under) to ground their lives through Scripture and with the support of faithful friends. John and Lee Ann Head teach this class Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room 310 on the 3rd Floor of the Education Building.
Monday Morning Women's Bible Study
offers an option for those unavailable on Sunday mornings. Tamara Tillman Smathers leads the study from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. every Monday between Labor Day and Memorial Day in the Dining Room on the Ground Floor.
O.M. Cates Class
is comprised of mostly retired men who use the lessons of the past to understand the challenges of the present by studying the Bible, sharing quality fellowship, and by reaching out to those in need of care and a redemptive community. This class is taught by Earl Tillman and Pete O'Callaghan and meets Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Conference Room on the Ground Floor.
The Joy Class
is a group of senior ladies who are definitely young at heart. Their life experiences are varied and diverse, but their love for their Lord, their church, and each other brings them together in a delightful way. Nancy Ratcliffe teaches this class, and there is never a lack of lively discussion and sharing in this group. They meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room 240 adjacent to the elevator on the 2nd Floor of the Office Building.
Chapel Class
The Chapel Class meets in the Chapel-considered by some to be the BEST location. Openness, laughter, and lively discussion of scripture are embraced. Andy Davis, Ashley Garner, Bob Hortman and Tamara Smathers rotate teaching, which begins at 10:00 a.m. Sunday to accommodate those who serve early in other areas.
College Class
Cy Farmer teaches this class and they meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Room 242 on the 2nd floor of the Office Building.
Scrap Iron Bible Study Class Radio Broadcast
The Scrap Iron Bible Class Radio Broadcast can be heard every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. on WLAQ 1410. Continuing a tradition of over 75 years, this radio broadcast presents a 30 minute lesson each week.
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View First Baptist Church's floorplan.

First Baptist Church offers a variety of seminars for adults of all ages. These meet on a rotating schedule, primarily on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Most seminars will last five weeks. Some have fees attached to cover the cost of materials. Please contact Tamara Tillman Smathers, Minister of Education, at if you would like more information.
Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Tamara Smathers leads this Bible Study for women in our church as well as the community beginning each Fall.
Join us each Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the Dining Room and invite someone to come with you.
First Baptist Church provides printed devotional materials for its church family. For a printed version of Upper Room’s Disciplines, contact Rev. Tamara Tillman Smathers.
The Upper Room Disciplines
Discover God’s hope and purpose for you life and allow God’s Word to speak to you through the powerful daily meditations in Disciplines. If you need support establishing a daily practice of Bible study and prayer, you’ll find valuable and gentle help in this annual best seller. Please reserve your copy of the Disciplines devotional guide by calling the church office or sending an e-mail to
D365 provides daily devotional with teenagers and young adults in mind.
Upper Room Ministries provides on-line daily devotionals to enrich and encourage your walk with Christ.

Prayer Room
The Prayer Room offers a quiet and comfortable place for individuals and small groups to gather for solitude and prayer. It is adorned with beautiful artwork and resources to guide your prayer time.
When you visit the Prayer Room, you may choose to record prayer concerns, answers to prayer, or poetic words of reflection in the prayer journal.
The prayer journal serves as a reminder of God’s presence and grace in times of difficulty and celebration. It also encourages those who visit the Prayer Room to intercede on behalf of others.
For more information on ways to use the Prayer Room, or to reserve it for a particular time, please contact the church office.
First Choice on Wednesday Nights
Make First Baptist your First Choice on Wednesday nights for great food, Bible Study, enrichment, and learning:
5:00-6:00 Buffet served in Fellowship Hall
5:45-6:30 Youth Connection, Youth Room
6:00-6:30 Prayer Time and Devotional, Fellowship Hall
6:00-7:00 *Children’s Choirs & Kids J.A.M. (Missions)
6:30-7:00 Youth Fun & Games, Youth Room
6:45-8:00 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room
7:00-8:30 Youth Small Groups, Youth Room
*Children and Preschoolers will be led by their choir leaders from the Fellowship Hall
Note: Adult Small Groups also gather during
these times.
More Information
Click for more information about Wednesday Nights.